Consulting services
Michał Góra
Invest your time and efforts on your ideas. Leave the optimization to me.

What I do

Consulting Services
Starting from scratch, together we will undergo a transformation to a maximally efficient and friendly business model.
Our final stop is zero loss. Zero-based thinking is a performance management mind-set in which there is no acceptable level of failure: no manufacturing and operational wastes altogether.
Optimization Services
The goal is to maximize most of the process specifications, while keeping all others within their constraints. This can be done by using a process mining tool, discovering the critical activities and bottlenecks, and acting only on them.

Space planning and CAD support
Right planning is a way to raise productivity, lower demand on logistic and create friendly environment for workers.
I am able to search for optimum approach based on local situation and create visualization and simulation of new reality.
Why Choose Me
Vast Experience
Always On Time
Even in few days
Hard Working
Toward great final
24/7 Availability
Every topic on very time